The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Patient Decision Making Regarding the Election of Emergency Care vs Primary Care for the Non-Emergent Complaint
Ultrasound Identification of Multiple Bougie Endotracheal Tube Introducers: A Cadaveric, Double-Blind, Randomized Crossover Trial
Intramuscular Ketorolac Versus Dexamethasone for the Treatment of Acute Musculoskeletal Pain
Comparison of Ultrasound Image Interpretation versus Physical Exam in Identifying Pneumothorax by Military Medics Previously Naïve to Sonography: A Parallel Randomized Control Trial
Accuracy of Endotracheal Tube Placement Identification using Static Ultrasound Images by Novice Sonographers in the Emergency Medicine Department
Impact of a Novel Biplane User Interface on Ultrasound-guided Vascular Access Performance
Assessment of the Accuracy of Needle Decompression Site Selection among Healthcare Specialists
Evaluation of Intraosseous Cannulation by Conventional Army Medic in Low Visibility Condition Using Night Vision Googles: A Randomized Prospective Comparative Study
Military Adult Difficult Intravenous Access and Ultrasound
Comparison of the Drip Assist and Traditional Method for Establishing a Rate-Specific Infusion by U.S. Army Medics: A prospective, Randomized, Crossover Study
Class of 2021
Prehospital Ultrasound Guided Zone III Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA)
Military tactical emergency tourniquet compared to the combat application tourniquet: a randomized cross-over study
The Relationship of serum 25-hydroxyvitaminD at admission and severity of illness in COVID-19 patients
Impact on a 1-hour Fascia Iliaca Block Training/Intervention Among Point of Care Military Medics
Use of YEARS algorithm in military healthcare beneficiaries to evaluate use of CTPAs: Retrospective Comparative Study
Combat Medic and Portable Pulse-Oximeter Respiratory Rate Measurement Comparison to Waveform Capnography: A Prospective, Observational Study
Special Operations Medic FAST Performance in a Stationary Versus Mobile Ambulance Using Handheld Ultrasound: A Randomized, Parallel Groups Study
iView versus Glidescope Laryngoscopy: A Randomized, Crossover Trial