CCCE/CI Resources
Clinical Education
Clinical education is the method through which students are provided with clinically based, pre-planned learning activities. This clinical education should require analytical thinking, problem solving, treatment design, and application on actual patients to insure that the student is able to function at the professional entry level. It is considered an integral part of the curriculum.
To facilitate a reduction in variance between Clinical Internships the Army-Baylor University DPT program has developed an Objective Internship Template. This schedule is a guideline and should be modified based on the student's performance and availability of specialty services at the Internship site.
DCE (Director of Clinical Education)
The DCE's (formerly the ACCE) primary function is to provide comprehensive planning and direction for the clinical education program within the entry-level degree professional curriculum, mission and goals of the academic institution, professional and regional accreditation standards, and generally accepted norms in higher education. The DCE coordinates the administration of the clinical education program, in association with the academic and clinical faculty and students. S/he, also, relates the student's clinical education to the curriculum and evaluates the student's progress in integrating academic and clinical experiences. This individual serves as a liaison between the University and clinical rotation sites and is responsible for clinical site selection, development, and evaluation.
CID (Clinical Internship Director)
The CID (formerly the CCCE) is the individual at each clinical education center who coordinates and arranges the clinical education of the physical therapy student and who communicates with the DCE and faculty at the educational institution. This individual is responsible for ensuring student supervision and a well-rounded clinical experience.
CI (Clinical Instructor)
The CI is the physical therapist who is responsible for the direct instruction, supervision, and grading of the physical therapy student in the clinical education setting.
CID (CCCE)/CI Responsibilities