Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy (DPT)
The Army-Baylor University DPT program is a top-ranked physical therapy school committed to "producing clinician scientists and leaders of tomorrow." Through excellence in academics and clinical education, we select and train highly-qualified individuals to become active duty military physical therapists.
Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy (DScPT)
The Army-Baylor University Doctoral Fellowship in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy Program seeks to train and educate specialized, advanced-practicing physical therapists who maximize military readiness and health outcomes through patient care, research, and teaching.
Sports Medicine Physical Therapy (DScPT)
The mission of the Sports Medicine-Physical Therapy Doctoral Program is to produce clinical scientists to better serve Military Health System beneficiaries and the physical therapy profession. Our vision is to set the standard for post-professional sports medicine-physical therapy doctoral education through the scholarly pursuit of academic, research, and clinical excellence.